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Pour un aperçu des projets réalisés, visitez la section Design + Construction


Village au Pied du Courant

June to Sept 2017

As a first phase, Insecto collaborated with many partners to design and build a small cricket farm for La Pépinière, one that would fit in with The Garage, a small cabin designed by an other group.  Insecto then maintained a living farm throughout the summer and organised activities including tastings of local insect products.


La Grillonnerie

Planning, June to October 2017

Prototype construction from Nov. 2017 à janvier 2018. 

Pilot phase from February to april 2018 (ongoing today)

With our partner the Friends of the Insectarium of Montreal, we decided to take the project further and bring cricket farming to schools!  With the help of the Friend's ressourcefull contacts, the project found teachers willing to give it a try.  It's with their needs in mind, and with the help of OuiShare and Helios, that Insecto could design and build 3 prototypes.  They are currently being tested in two different schools with students grades sec. 3&4.



Planning, Octobre 2017 ongoing today...

Hosting of a colony confirmed on March 1rst 2018

Workshops to be scheduled.


UdeM Campus MIL

PLanning, January 2018 ongoing today...

Hosting of a colony confirmed on March 14 2018

Workshops to be scheduled.

''INSECTO'' est l'entreprise individuelle enregistrée de Benoit Daoust *aka legal stuff

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